Increase in CityFHEPS and FHEPS Rental Assistance
NYC has increased the rental assistance provided under the CityFHEPS and FHEPS programs. Rental amounts now match NYCHA’s Section 8 Voucher payment standards levels. The new amounts went into effect on January 1, 2023, for CityFHEPS and at the end of January 2023 for FHEPS. NYC Human Resources Administration (HRA), which administers both FHEPS and CityFHEPS, will apply the new rent increase at annual lease renewals with some exceptions.
For CityFHEPS charts with payment standards and utility allowances, click here. For FHEPS charts, click here.
FHEPS is a rent subsidy program for households with children in receipt of, or eligible for, Cash Assistance, that are in shelter or at risk of entering shelter due to a housing court case or domestic violence.
CityFHEPS is a rent subsidy program for households with income up to 200% FPL that are in shelter or at risk of entering shelter and ineligible for FHEPS.
Upcoming Related Webinars
June 21: Cash Assistance for Beginners
June 28: Connecting Low-Income Families to the FHEPS Program