SNAP Changes 2023-2024
Updated Income Guidelines and Increase in Benefit Amounts
Click here for a full chart of the updated income guidelines for the SNAP program in NYS effective October 1, 2023. In addition, the maximum SNAP benefit amount, the shelter cap, as well as the homeless deduction have increased, see these changes on our SNAP Budget Worksheet.
Our free SNAP Calculator has been updated to reflect all the budgeting changes.
Certain households are subject to the resource test for SNAP: 1) households with a member who is either disqualified from the SNAP program because of an intentional program violation (IPV) or a sanction, or 2) households with a member who is aged or disabled, whose gross income is more than 200% of the FPL. The resource limit for these households are:
A household which does not include an elderly or disabled member: $2,750
A household which includes an elderly or disabled member: $4,250
ABAWD Update
There is a State-wide waiver of the current ABAWD work requirements in effect through February 28, 2025. For more information go to https://otda.ny.gov/policy/gis/2023/23DC067.pdf.